Welcome to the Fifth Day of EACL 2021!

Welcome to the last day of the EACL. Today at 17:00 CEST, there is a third keynote by Melanie Mitchell on “Why AI is Harder Than We Think”. The whole day consists of different papers live QA sessions. At your leisure before or during the conference, scan through the schedule, read the papers, and/or watch the videos. Decide which ones you want to talk to the authors about. The Closing ceremony is at 18:00, consisting of introductory remarks by PCs, presentation of the awards, two long and two short, associated talks, brief presentations of the upcoming conferences, and closing words from the General Chair.

Multiple D&I and Social Events are also planned for the day; details available here. Some of these events are:

  • Cultural Journey Around Ukraine (costs are covered by the conference)
  • BoF: Discourse and Pragmatics with Yufang Hou
  • BoF: Interpretability and Analysis of Models for NLP with Alessandro Leite

There will be multiple mentoring and sessions that will be announced on the fly; keep an eye on RocketChat’s social event channel. Please see the Day 1 newsletter for tips for maximizing the conference experience, and the EACL’s code of conduct is in place.

Thank you all for your participation as attendees, authors, reviewers, AC, SAC, sponsors, tutorial presenters, workshop organizers, invited speakers, panelists, mentors, our affinity groups, social organizers, staff, web development team, EACL organizing team. A special shout out to our volunteers who helped run the conference smoothly!

Happy EACLing.
On behalf of EACL 2021 General Chair and Program Chairs.